

Football club Manchester United is without a doubt one of the most successful English clubs as well as one of the most widely supported football clubs in the world. Manchester United is one of the most successful clubs in Europe in terms of trophies won.

The club had two extremely successful periods in its history, both under the leadership of Scottish coaches. The first one was during 1950s and 1960s under the management of Matt Busby. During his 24-years long tenure as manager, the club won five national titles and became the first English club to win the European Cup. However, the club achieved its greatest success under the leadership of another Scottish manager, Sir Alex Ferguson. During his 27-year tenure, from 1986 to 2013, the club won 38 trophies, including 13 league titles, five FA Cups and two Champions League titles. Needless to say, Ferguson retired as Manchester United most successful manager. Even more impressive, he is the most decorated manager in football history, winning a whopping 49 trophies during his career.

During Ferguson’s tenure as Manchester United manager, many quality players appeared for the club and some of them played for the club for quite a long time. But, as is the case for every sport organization, only a handful of players spent their entire professional career in the club. One such player is Ryan Giggs. Although he isn’t the only player that spent his entire career at Manchester United, he is the one who played for the greatest number of years (24) and is the club’s record holder for competitive appearances with 963 matches. He was involved in all but two trophies Ferguson won as manager. Needless to say, he is the most decorated player when English club competition is concerned and one of the most decorated players in football history.

So, why did this particular manager and this player achieve so much success at this particular club? Also, why they never succumbed to the temptation to leave the club and look for new challenges in other big clubs after they had already achieved a lot in this one, but stayed until retirement?

Well, there are certainly some pretty convincing astrological reasons why these two men achieved so much in this particular club. In order to understand what those reasons are what needs to be done is to analyze the horoscopes of the club and these two men, and then compare them with each other. Everything will be clear after that.

Manchester United was formed in 1878 as Newton Heath LYR Football Club. In January 1902, heavily in debts, the club was served with a winding-up order. A new group of local businessmen then took over the roles and responsibilities of the club and named it as Manchester United. On 24 April 1902, Manchester United was officially born.

The club’s chart contains several positions of planets that can be found in charts of many notable sport organizations. Three planets are placed in signs in which they have particularly strong dignities. One of those planets is placed in the sign of its exaltation and that planet is Venus, located on the 17° of Pisces. Although Venus has very little to do with sports or anything connected with competition, it is useful and beneficial for any football club to have this planet placed in the sign of Pisces in its chart, since Venus, among many other meanings, symbolize grass, which is the surface on which this sport is played, while the sign of Pisces symbolizes feet, the body parts with which this sport is played. In fact, the name of this sport, football, is a compound word made of two words- foot (Pisces) and ball (Venus).

Natal chart: Dushan Manoylov

The second planet in Manchester United’s chart which is placed in the sign of its strong dignity is Saturn, located on the 27° of Capricorn. As Saturn and Capricorn symbolize anything that is old and since club’s stadium is named “Old Trafford”, it is only logical that Saturn in its domicile sign should be placed in club’s 4th house, which represent home ground or stadium. Therefore, the club is probably founded around 5 p.m., since for that time not only is Saturn in the 4th house, but Venus in Pisces is ruler of the ASC, which is in the sign of Libra.

Saturn in Capricorn forms the exact square with the third planet in the club’s chart that is placed in the sign in which it has a particularly strong dignity. The position of that planet is most relevant since it symbolize sport, competition, athletes, winning, scoring a goal, being first in the standings etc. That planet, of course, is Mars which, as a final dispositor of the chart, is located on 27° of Aries. Besides being in its domicile sign and being a final dispositor, Mars forms multiple aspects with other planets, since besides its square with Saturn it is also in conjunction with Mercury, in sextile with Neptune in Gemini and in trine to Uranus in Sagittarius. One of the reasons why this chart should be regarded as the correct one is because connection between Mercury, Mars and Saturn perfectly describes club’s nickname (Mercury) which is the red (Mars) devils (Saturn). 

Beside Mars, the position of Jupiter is very important when big football clubs are concerned since Jupiter represents accolades, records, trophies, international achievements. In Manchester United’s chart Jupiter is placed on 14° of Aquarius and is in wider square with the Sun, trine with Pluto and sextile with Uranus. Why this position of Jupiter, as well as position of Mars in Aries are important will be clarified after analyzing the horoscopes of Alex Ferguson and Ryan Giggs.


Alex Ferguson (31.12.1941, 16:30 Glasgow) started his managerial career at a comparatively young age of 32 in 1974. In 1978 he became the manager of Aberdeen FC. Under Ferguson’s guidance, Aberdeen experienced the greatest period of success in club history, winning three Scottish Premier Division titles (1979–80, 1983–84, and 1984–85), four Scottish Cups (1982, 1983, 1984, and 1986), and a European Cup Winners’ Cup (1983). Ferguson’s unprecedented achievements at Aberdeen led to managerial offers from some of the most prestigious clubs in Europe over the years before joining Manchester United on November 6th, 1986.

At the day of his birth the Sun was in the sign of Capricorn which isn’t really surprising since some of the more positive attributes of that sign are managerial abilities, consistency and, even more, longevity. Members of this sign usually tend to think and work in the long run. What is also characteristic for people who have Sun in Capricorn is that if and when they attain a position of power and authority, they tend to retain it for as long as possible. While that is the main reason Ferguson was the manager of Manchester United for such a long period of time, the reason he was precisely 27 years at the helm of the club is because his ASC is in the sign of Cancer. Since the ruler of his ASC is the Moon, this means that important events in his life will take place in accordance with the Moon’s cycle. Since the Moon’s cycle is 27-28 days, the Secondary Progressed Moon takes approximately 27-28 years to make a full circle of the birth chart. When he became the manager of the club in 1986, the secondary progressed Moon was in the sign of Aquarius in the 9th  house and when the Moon progressed through the same sign and house 27 years later, he retired.

Natal chart: Dushan Manoylov

In his natal chart, the Moon, as the ruler of ASC, is in the sign of Gemini in conjunction with Jupiter and in trine with Venus in Aquarius. Although the Moon is in the 12th house, its conjunction with Jupiter describes a very positive individual who is able to form beneficial (Jupiter) relationships (Venus) and to motivate and inspire (Jupiter) others, as well as someone who is a master strategist (Jupiter).

While Sun in Capricorn shows great managerial abilities and longevity and Moon in Gemini connected with two benefics indicates pronounced intelligence, communication skills, tactical excellence and ability to motivate and to bring out the best in others, nevertheless, the most significant placement in his chart is the position of Mars on the 24° of Aries. Although Mars is neither in angular house or a ruler of any such house, in significant aspects with other planets or a dispositor of any planet in his chart, it is nevertheless the only planet in Ferguson’s chart that has a strong dignity.

Comparison of his chart with that of the club shows quite clearly why Ferguson was so successful as the club’s manager, as well as why he stayed so long at the club. In the first place, Mars on 24° of Aries in his chart is just 3 degrees behind the position of Mars on 27° of Aries in club’s chart.  But that is not all. His Jupiter on 13° of Gemini is in almost exact trine with Jupiter on 14° of Aquarius in the chart of the club. Also, the Moon, a ruler of his ASC, is exactly on club’s Pluto in Gemini, while his Sun in Capricorn is in trine to club’s Sun in Taurus.

Natal chart: Dushan Manoylov

What is so amazing about Ferguson’s tenure at Manchester United is that in 1986, the year he joined the club, the Sun in its progressive movement was at 25° of Aquarius, exactly at the cusp of his 10th house. Since Aquarius is the sign of Sun’s detriment, he didn’t achieve much during the first couple of years as club’s manager and was on several occasions on a verge of losing his job. The moment progressed Sun exited the sign of Aquarius and entered the sign of Pisces, the club started winning trophies at an unprecedented rate and just when it was close to exit the 10th house and enter the 11th , he retired (11th house).  So, in essence, his entire tenure as Manchester United’s manager coincided with the movement of his progressed Sun through his entire 10th house (accomplishments, achievements, success). 

Natal chart: Dushan Manoylov

If the key to success is to be at the right place at the right time, then Alex Fergusons tenure at Manchester United between 1986 and 2013 might be the prime example of the validity of that claim.

The comparison of club’s chart with the chart of its most decorated player is also quite revealing.


Ryan Giggs (29.11.1973, 12:00 Cardiff) was offered his first professional contract on 29 November 1990 (his 17th birthday). He accepted the contract and became a professional and Manchester United player two days later (1 December 1990). As it turned out, it was the only contract he ever signed since he stayed at the club until his retirement in 2014.

The Sun in his chart is placed on 7° of Sagittarius and its exact conjunction with Neptune and sextiles with Pluto and Jupiter are certainly not positions and aspects that necessarily describe an athlete, let alone a football player. Since he was faithful to just one club and spent his entire career in it, he should have some planets placed in either Capricorn or Cancer and he has. Venus and probably Moon (time of birth is unknown) are in Capricorn while their dispositor, Saturn, is in Cancer.

Natal chart: Dushan Manoylov

The reason Ryan Giggs was an athlete is because, like in Ferguson’s case, only one planet in his chart is placed in the sign of its domicile. That planet is Mars in Aries which, interestingly enough, is positioned on 25° of Aries, just one degree ahead of the position of that planet in Ferguson’s chart and just two degrees behind the position of Mars in the club’s chart.

Natal chart: Dushan Manoylov

The reason he was destined to be Manchester United’s player was not only the conspicuous proximity of his Mars to the position of that planet in club’s chart but specifically because, when he turned 17 in 1990, his secondary progressed Mars was on 27° of Aries, at the exact degree that planet is placed in the chart of the club.

What is even more interesting is that Jupiter (trophies, accolades, records) in his chart, as a ruler of his Sun with which it is in almost exact sextile, is on the 8° of Aquarius. As a remainder, in club’s chart, Jupiter is placed in that same sign 6 degrees ahead, on 14° of Aquarius.  Therefore, both in his chart and in the club’s chart, Mars and Jupiter are in the same signs.

Natal chart: Dushan Manoylov

Since Alex Ferguson’s retirement Manchester United haven’t won many trophies despite the fact that in the meantime the club was led by some proven managers such as Louis van Gaal and Jose Mourinho. To date, 10 years have passed since the club’s last Premier League title. But, their latest and current manager, Erik Ten Hag (2.2.1970) could be a game-changer.  The reason is simple. He is the first Manchester United’s manager (beside his immediate predecessor Ralf Rangnick who was an interim manager) since Alex Ferguson whose Mars is in the sign of Aries. In his chart, Mars is on 6° of Aries, while his Sun is placed on 13° of Aquarius, just one degree behind Jupiter’s placement in the chart of the club.

Natal chart: Dushan Manoylov

What is a little bit concerning, however, is that Saturn in his chart on 2° of Taurus is in close conjunction with the club’s Sun and is in opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio. What is interesting is that, like Ferguson, his Venus is in Aquarius and ,like Giggs, his Mars in Aries is in opposition to Uranus in Libra. Sure, he won’t be as successful as Ferguson (nobody will anyway), since Mars in his chart is not in the last decan of Aries, but in the first. However, my prediction is that he will win a considerable number of trophies during his tenure as club’s manager, depending, of course, how long he will stay in the club.

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