In 1964, a year after the assassination of American president John F. Kennedy, a list of curious coincidences between him and another legendary American president, Abraham Lincoln appeared in the mainstream American press which, since then, became a part of American folklore.
The following are the list of “coincidences” that are confirmed to be true statements:
- Both were elected to congress in ’46: Lincoln was elected in 1846 from Illinois, and Kennedy was elected in 1946 from Massachusetts.
- Both were elected to the presidency in ’60: Lincoln was elected in 1860, and Kennedy was elected in 1960.
- Both have seven letters in their last names (“Lincoln” and “Kennedy”).
- Both were concerned with civil rights.
- Lincoln felt strongly that all slaves should be freed and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which legally freed slaves within the Confederacy.
- Kennedy was concerned with racial equality and was the first to propose what would be the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Both married in their 30s to women in their 20s:
- Lincoln was married on November 4, 1842, Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, making him 33 years old at the time of his wedding. Lincoln’s bride, Mary Anne Todd, was born on December 13, 1818, making her 23 years old at the time of the wedding.
- Kennedy was married on September 12, 1953, Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917, making him 36 years old at the time of his wedding. Kennedy’s bride, Jacqueline Bouvier, was born on July 28, 1929, making her 24 years old at the time of the wedding.
- Both lost a son while living in the White House: Lincoln lost his 11-year-old son, William, and Kennedy lost his infant son, Patrick.
- Both sons’ names, William Wallace Lincoln and Patrick Bouvier Kennedy have 21 letters each (with each having 7 letters each (first, middle and last name)).
- Both were shot on a Friday: Lincoln was shot on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, and Kennedy was shot on Friday, November 22, 1963.
- Both were shot in the head. (Lincoln and Kennedy).
- Both were shot in the presence of their wives. (Lincoln and Kennedy).
- Both were assassinated by Southerners: Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth from Maryland, and Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald from New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Both of the presidents’ successors were named Johnson: Lincoln was succeeded by Andrew Johnson, and Kennedy was succeeded by Lyndon B. Johnson.
- -Both were succeeded by Southerners: Andrew Johnson was from Tennessee, and Lyndon B. Johnson was from Texas.
- Both successors were born in ’08: Andrew Johnson was born December 29, 1808, and Lyndon B. Johnson was born August 27, 1908
- Both assassins, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, are known by their three names.
- Each assassin’s full name is composed of fifteen letters.
- Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theatre. Kennedy was shot in a Ford car: a Lincoln limousine.
As can be observed by these statements, there is indeed a curious tangible connection between these two American presidents. It really looks like the second president and his assassin are reincarnated versions of the first one and his assassin playing out the same scenario a century later.
Since there is a clear connection between these two presidents, there is, of course, also a clear resemblance between their natal charts. Needless to say, there is also a striking resemblance between charts of John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald.
Here are the charts of Abraham Lincoln and John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

By comparing their charts, we can observe some striking commonalities:
- Both have Sun placed in air sign (Lincoln’s Sun is at 23° of Aquarius while Kennedy’s Sun is at 7° of Gemini).
- Both have Moon placed in earth sign (Lincoln’s Moon is at 27° of Capricorn while Kennedy’s Moon is at 17° of Virgo).
- Both have Ascendant in air sign (Lincoln’s ASC is at 22° of Aquarius, Kennedy’s ASC is at 20° of Libra).
- Both have Moon-Mars aspect (Lincoln’s Moon is in square with Mars while Kennedy’s Moon is in trine with Mars).
- Both have Mars placed in a sign ruled by Venus (Lincoln’s Mars is placed at 25° of Libra, Kennedy’s Mars is placed at 18° of Taurus).
- Both have Mars in the 8th house which is very significant since both died (8th house) by being shot (Mars) in the head (Mars). Since both have Mars placed in signs ruled by Venus, unsurprisingly, both were shot and killed in the presence of their wives (Venus).
- Both have Mercury and Jupiter in conjunction in signs in which Venus have a strong dignity (Lincoln’s Mercury and Jupiter are in Pisces in which Venus is exalted, while Kennedy’s Mercury and Jupiter are in sign of Taurus, sign of domicile of Venus).
- Both have Uranus placed in signs in which it has the strongest dignity (Lincoln’s Uranus is in Scorpio while Kennedy’s Uranus is in Aquarius).
- Both have Mercury in aspect with Uranus (Lincoln’s Mercury at 10° of Pisces is in trine with Uranus at 9° of Scorpio while Kennedy’s Mercury at 20° of Taurus is in square with Uranus at 23° of Aquarius). As can be observed, in Kennedy’s chart Uranus is placed on the same degree on which Lincoln’s Sun is placed.
- Both have Neptune in fire sign (in Lincoln’s chart Neptune is placed on a 6° of Sagittarius while in Kennedy’s chart Neptune is placed on a 2° of Leo).
- In both charts Neptune is in conjunction with Saturn with slight difference being that in Lincoln’s chart Neptune and Saturn are both in same sign, Sagittarius while in Kennedy’s chart Neptune is in Leo while Saturn is in Cancer.
- In both cases Neptune and Saturn are placed on MC with, again, a slight difference being that in Kennedy’s chart both planets are in the 10th house, while in Lincoln’s chart those planets are near the and of the 9th house right near the cusp of MC.
This Saturn-Neptune conjunction, along with the position of Mars in the 8th house are, visually, the most striking common positions in the charts of these two presidents. Although Mars placement in the 8th house clearly shows that both died by being shot in the head, its aspects show where they were when they were shot. Since both have Mars-Moon connection, both were shot in public, but since Mars is also in trine with Sun in Lincoln’s chart, he was shot in the theater (Sun). In Kennedy’s chart, Mars is in conjunction with Mercury, a placement which, together with placements of Sun and Venus in Gemini in the 8th house, clearly shows that he was killed in a car (Mercury, Gemini).
So, what about their assassins? Do their charts have something in common? Well, of course they do.
Here are the charts of John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald:

As can be seen, there are several similar positions and aspects in their charts:
- In both cases Sun is placed in sign ruled by Venus (in Booth’s chart Sun is at 19° of Taurus while in Oswald’s chart Sun is at 24° of Libra). As a reminder, Lincoln and Kennedy both have Mars placed, respectively, in those two signs.
- Both have Venus, the dispositor of Sun, in detriment, which implies that both have Venus placed in signs ruled by Mars (in Booth’s chart Venus is at 3° of Aries, in Oswald’s chart Venus is at 6° of Scorpio).
- In both cases the ruler of the ASC is in detriment (in Booth’s chart Venus, the ruler of the ASC, is in Aries, while in Oswald’s chart Moon, the ruler of the ASC, is in Capricorn.
- Both have Saturn placed in sign ruled by Mars (in Booth’s chart Saturn is at 24° of Scorpio, in Oswald’s chart Saturn is at 28° of Aries).
As can be seen, Booth and Oswald both have Sun opposite Saturn aspect across signs ruled by Venus and Mars (Booth have Sun in Taurus opposite Saturn in Scorpio, Oswald Sun in Libra opposite Saturn in Aries), which is hardly surprising, since this aspect represent hatred, animosity and literally being opposed to authority, to those who have power. Also, connection between these two bodies, especially challenging aspects often represent becoming famous, or more precisely, infamous for maligning, putting down, destroying or killing someone who possess fame, authority and power.
One more fact is worth being emphasized. As mentioned before, Uranus in Kennedy’s chart is placed exactly on a degree where Lincoln’s Sun is positioned (23° of Aquarius). Interestingly enough, Uranus in Oswald’s chart is at 20° of Taurus, almost exactly on Booth’s Sun.
Although it’s not related to this story, I can’t resist mentioning one other case of a famous person being assassinated in public.
That person is John Lennon who, on 8.12.1980, was shot and killed by a lone shooter Mark David Chapman.

Sure, John Lennon was not a president of a country, but, at a time of his death, was certainly one of the most recognizable and famous musicians in the world.
Like Lincoln and Kennedy, he was born with Sun in the air sign, in his case, in the sign of Libra. But beside that and the fact that his chart too contains Moon- Mars contact, there aren’t that many similarities between his chart and charts of two president, as it shouldn’t.
The chart of his assassin is much more interesting,
Here is the chart of Mark David Chapman:

As can be observed, he was born on the same day as John Wilkes Booth. The fact that his Sun is placed on the same degree as Booth’s Sun is coincidental, but, curiously enough, his chart also contain the position of Venus, the dispositor of the Sun, in Aries and the same Sun in Taurus opposite Saturn in Scorpio aspect.
So, in essence, his chart contains the same positions and relations observed in two previous examples. Again, there is that fatal opposition between Sun and Saturn across signs ruled by Venus and Mars, Venus in detriment and, like in Oswald’s case, Moon in Capricorn.
But there are some differences which are also very instructive.
Since Booth’s ASC is in Libra and Oswald’s ruler of the ASC is in the 7th house, their motivations were essentially political (Libra, 7th house), hence, their targets were political leaders, i.e., presidents.
In contrast, Chapman’s ASC is in Scorpio, while one of the rulers of his ASC, Mars, is in the sign of Gemini near the cusp of the 8th house which is obviously in the same sign, as is Mercury.
As the position of Mercury in Gemini suggests, he was an avid reader and a great admirer of J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in The Rye. The novel eventually took on great personal significance for him, to the extent he reportedly wished to model his life after its protagonist, Holden Caulfield. After killing Lennon, he planned to cite the novel as his manifesto.
Since Mercury in Gemini is in conjunction with Mars and both planets are on a degree of Scorpio, no wonder that a literary work (Gemini) motivated him to kill (Mars, Scorpio) someone. Since Mars is in sextile with Venus, that person was a musician (Venus).
The way he killed John Lennon is totally in a manner of Scorpio ASC and Mars in Gemini. He shot him in the back (Scorpio) four times and then remained at the scene reading aforementioned novel (Gemini) until he was arrested by police (Mars).
Although he later said that he regretted the murder and did not want to give the impression that he killed Lennon for fame and notoriety, in an interview from 1992, he explicitly stated that „ i thought by killing him i would aquire his fame “.
Conviction that only someone with Sun opposite Saturn in his chart can have.